UM Summary: An Introduction to the Universal Model
UM Summary: An Introduction to the Universal Model
Paper back 92 pages - Full Color
This 90-page summary book captures in amazing brevity the essence of the content of all three volumes of the Universal Model of Science, a three-volume, 2,000-page work. All are remarkably summarized here in this little book.
In this little book you will discover where to find Scientific Evidence for:
Why magma cannot exist inside the Earth and why water does
Why all natural rocks on the Earth contain water
How liquid water can exist in the cold expanse of space
Why the Arizona Meteor crater was not made from an impact
how a flood covered all the continents a short time ago
the unknown origin of weather and the Earth's energy field
How Fossils and rocks can be made in days not eons
Why light has a dual particle-wave nature
Th true structure of the atom
Why Science has been in a dark age for more than a century